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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does therapy take?

This is a very individual question and depends on the issue that you have brought to therapy along with any other relevant topics that come up through the course of therapy.


The therapy takes as long as it needs to take. The process is just as important, if not more important, than the end result. I encourage my clients to keep an open dialogue about how they are experiencing the process and it is always my clients decision as to when we finish.

Trio of Candles

How many sessions will there be?

As with the length of therapy this is an individual question that depends on what you would like to get out of sessions. There are as many sessions as you need there to be. I like there to be an open discussion between myself and 


I suggest to clients that we meet at least once a week to ensure continuity, any longer between sessions and it can be difficult to keep momentum going or remember what was discussed the week before. You may find it helpful to see the page about my practice.

I am worried about what might come up in sessions

It is natural to fear what you might speak about in therapy. For many the journey to psychotherapy and counselling can take years and they manage their difficulties throughout that time before their struggle become too much and need support.


Difficulties we have in life, such as those which manifest in anxiety and depression, are typically ones which are rooted in past troubles or even trauma. There is help available, though and I have supported people to work through even severe anxiety.


Counselling and psychotherapy provides a place where these topics can be discussed safely in a supportive environment. I would never expect my client to say something that they would regret saying. Talking about these topics allows us to explore them to help you to process and come to terms with the things that worry you.

How will I know if therapy is working?

Perhaps you'll find that you are feeling less stressed in situations that you would have gotten stressed about previously.


Maybe you'll find that you are less angry, or better able to manage your anger.


Or you may find that you are no longer feeling as sad, or that the negative voices in your head are less obvious.


It is important to review and notice how you are changing through the therapy process. Thinking back to how you used to react, or be in a situation can be a good way to think about how therapy is helping.

How do I know if now is the right time to start therapy?

The right time is when you feel you need it. Maybe you broke up with a partner and it has brought up a lot of negative feelings about yourself


Ultimately the "right time" is when you think that it will help. Don't put it off if you are thinking about starting sessions. At worst you begin and realise that therapy is not needed right now.


If you are interested in therapy but unsure if now is the right time, please get in touch and we can explore this further.

If you have any questions you would like answered, please get in touch. I will aim to respond as quickly as possible. You can find the contact form at the bottom of this page.


0747 919 2385

North Street, South Bristol

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